Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Category: Books,Literature & Fiction,Dramas & Plays,Shakespeare
Coriolanus Details
A classic performance of one of the Bard's classics. William Shakespeare lived between 1552 and 1616, but his work endures and is enjoyed the world over.
- BSA Norman Rockwell's Boy Scouts of America
- When Elephants Paint: The Quest of Two Russian Artists to Save the Elephants of Thailand
- Heads On and We Shoot: The Making of Where the Wild Things Are
- Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?
- Jiving Sister Fanny
- Keith Richards on Keith Richards: Interviews and Encounters (Musicians in Their Own Words)
- The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Entire Play
- Shakespeare's play of the Merchant of Venice Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes by Charles Kean, F.S.A.
- La Comédie des méprises (French Edition)
- Norman Rockwell's American Holidays
It isn't that difficult to learn to read Shakespeare and editions with glossaries and footnotes abound. To mess with the language is to make it not Shakespeare. I am sure if the actor featured on the cover knew of it, he would be furious. What nonsense! Never again. I totally misunderstood what I was getting.